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secuestrar a alguien

English translation of secuestrar a alguien

kidnapping someone

The Spanish phrase 'secuestrar a alguien' translates to 'kidnapping someone' in English. The words in this phrase are 'secuestrar', which means 'to kidnap', and 'a alguien', which means 'someone'. Therefore, the action of 'secuestrando a alguien' involves unlawfully capturing and detaining a person against their will, often with the intent to demand a ransom or use them for personal advantage or harm. Kidnapping is a serious criminal act in all societies, typically punishable by severe penalties under law.

Example sentences using: secuestrar a alguien

El criminal planeaba secuestrar a alguien para conseguir un rescate.

English translation of El criminal planeaba secuestrar a alguien para conseguir un rescate.

The criminal was planning to kidnap someone to get a ransom.

In this example, the verb 'secuestrar' (to kidnap) is used in the context of a criminal planning to commit a crime. The phrase can be used in any context where there's a narrative involving a plan to kidnap someone.

Los sospechosos detenidos admitieron planear secuestrar a alguien de la familia adinerada.

English translation of Los sospechosos detenidos admitieron planear secuestrar a alguien de la familia adinerada.

The detained suspects admitted to planning to kidnap someone from the wealthy family.

This example shows a situation where the suspects of a crime confessed to planning a kidnap. It illustrates usage of 'secuestrar' in an investigative or legal context.

Es ilegal secuestrar a alguien, independientemente del motivo.

English translation of Es ilegal secuestrar a alguien, independientemente del motivo.

It is illegal to kidnap someone, regardless of the reason.

This sentence uses the verb 'secuestrar' in a general, declarative statement speaking about legality. The statement could fit in any conversation discussing legal or moral boundaries.

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