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sector terciario

English translation of sector terciario

tertiary sector

The term 'sector terciario' translates to 'tertiary sector' in English. This is actually an economic term that refers to the portion of an economy that is made up by services, rather than products or goods. Industries included in this sector are such as retail, tourism, hospitality, entertainment, and other service-based companies. It is also often associated with the service industry. It is one of the three major divisions in the three-sector theory, the others being the primary sector which pertains to raw materials and basic agriculture, and secondary sector concerning manufacturing and construction.

Example sentences using: sector terciario

El sector terciario abarca una amplia variedad de industrias

English translation of El sector terciario abarca una amplia variedad de industrias

The tertiary sector covers a wide variety of industries

This sentence is talking about the wide range of industries that the tertiary sector, or the service sector, encompasses. This sector involves the provision of services to businesses and consumers, including retail, tourism, and banking.

La tecnología ha revolucionado el sector terciario

English translation of La tecnología ha revolucionado el sector terciario

Technology has revolutionized the tertiary sector

This sentence explains how the spread of technology has drastically changed, or revolutionized, the tertiary or service sector. This could refer to advancements like online shopping for retail, internet banking, and digital tourism services.

El empleo en el sector terciario está en aumento

English translation of El empleo en el sector terciario está en aumento

Employment in the tertiary sector is on the rise

This sentence explains how job opportunities in the tertiary sector, or service sector, are increasing. This trend might be due to the sector's wide range and growing influence on the economy.

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