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sector competitivo

English translation of sector competitivo

competitive sector

The term 'sector competitivo' in Spanish translates to 'competitive sector' in English. This term is commonly used in business and economics to describe a section of the economy where businesses compete with each other. These sectors may vary in size and can be defined broadly, such as the technology sector, or more narrowly, such as the mobile phone industry. The competitiveness of a sector is often gauged on factors such as the number of competitors, the market share of the largest companies, and barriers to entry for new competitors.

Example sentences using: sector competitivo

El sector competitivo en nuestra economía está creciendo.

English translation of El sector competitivo en nuestra economía está creciendo.

The competitive sector in our economy is growing.

This sentence is explaining a situation wherein the competitive sector, which could refer to industries or businesses that are in competition, is experiencing growth within the speaker's economy.

La empresa debe adaptarse al sector competitivo.

English translation of La empresa debe adaptarse al sector competitivo.

The company must adapt to the competitive sector.

In this case, the speaker is emphasizing that for success, it's crucial for a company to adapt to its competitive sector. It implies the necessity of change and adaptability for survival in a business environment.

Funcionamos bien en un sector competitivo.

English translation of Funcionamos bien en un sector competitivo.

We operate well in a competitive sector.

This sentence is a self-assessment by an entity like a company, where they affirm that they are functioning or operating efficiently within a competitive sector.

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