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English translation of sangre


The word 'sangre' is the Spanish translation for 'blood'. It carries similar connotations and uses as it does in English. 'Sangre' is primarily used in medical or health contexts but can also be used metaphorically as in the English expression 'blood is thicker than water'.

Example sentences using: sangre

La sangre es importante para nuestro cuerpo.

English translation of La sangre es importante para nuestro cuerpo.

Blood is important for our body.

This sentence explains the importance of blood in our bodies. It's a simple statement that shows how to use 'sangre' in a physiological context.

El color rojo me recuerda a la sangre.

English translation of El color rojo me recuerda a la sangre.

This sentence shows an association between blood, represented by 'sangre' and color, specifically the color red. In essence, it expresses how a certain color might remind an individual of a specific thing.


Su sangre hierve por la injusticia.

English translation of Su sangre hierve por la injusticia.

His blood boils for injustice.

This is a metaphorical usage of the word 'sangre'. 'His blood boils' is an idiom that means someone is very angry or upset. It is used here to express strong feelings about injustice.

Esta novela tiene mucha sangre y violencia.

English translation of Esta novela tiene mucha sangre y violencia.

This novel has a lot of blood and violence.

In this sentence, 'sangre' is used to describe the graphic or intense content of a book, indicating that it contains scenes of blood and violence.

¿Cuál es tu tipo de sangre?

English translation of ¿Cuál es tu tipo de sangre?

What is your blood type?

In this context, 'sangre' is used in a medical sense to enquire about your type of blood, which can be important for blood transfusions or other medical procedures.

Heridas profundas pueden hacer perder mucha sangre.

English translation of Heridas profundas pueden hacer perder mucha sangre.

Deep wounds can lose a lot of blood.

Here 'sangre' is representing a potential outcome of a physical injury. This sentence can be used in the context of medical advice or cautionary advice.

Ella tiene sangre azul.

English translation of Ella tiene sangre azul.

She has blue blood.

This is a cultural expression indicating that someone is of noble or royal descent. 'Sangre' in this context represents lineage or heritage.

Esta ciudad se ha construido con sangre, sudor y lágrimas.

English translation of Esta ciudad se ha construido con sangre, sudor y lágrimas.

This city was built with blood, sweat, and tears.

Figure of speech often used to express the hardships, struggle, and relentless effort put into building or achieving something. In this manner, 'sangre' implies sacrifice or exhaustive work.

La sangre de los donantes salva vidas.

English translation of La sangre de los donantes salva vidas.

The blood of donors saves lives.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of blood donation, where 'sangre' represents the life-saving resource that is voluntarily given by donors.

El vampiro anhela la sangre humana.

English translation of El vampiro anhela la sangre humana.

The vampire craves human blood.

Used in a fictional or mythological context, 'sangre' in this case denotes the supernatural hunger of mythic creatures such as vampires for human blood.

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