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English translation of salvarse

to save yourself

The Spanish word 'salvarse' translates to 'to save oneself' in English. It is a reflexive verb that is used when somebody evokes self-protection or preservation from a dangerous or challenging situation. 'Salvarse' can be used in various contexts, including physical, emotional, or figurative scenarios. An example sentence could be: 'Ella logró salvarse del accidente', meaning 'She managed to save herself from the accident.'

Example sentences using: salvarse

Ellos deben salvarse por sí mismos.

English translation of Ellos deben salvarse por sí mismos.

They must save themselves.

This sentence communicates that the subjects (they) should take individual action to avoid or recover from a given situation.

Para salvarse de la quiebra, vendió su casa.

English translation of Para salvarse de la quiebra, vendió su casa.

To save himself from bankruptcy, he sold his house.

In this case, the subject reaches salvation (from bankruptcy) by selling personal property (his house).

Pudimos salvarnos del peligro gracias a un desconocido.

English translation of Pudimos salvarnos del peligro gracias a un desconocido.

We were able to save ourselves from danger thanks to a stranger.

This sentence demonstrates the subject (we) avoiding a danger with outside assistance from a third party (a stranger).

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