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English translation of saludable


The Spanish word 'saludable' translates to 'healthy' in English. It is often used to describe food, habits or activities that contribute positively to one's health. This adjective can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in statements like 'Es importante comer comidas saludables' (It's important to eat healthy meals).

Example sentences using: saludable

Comer frutas y verduras es saludable.

English translation of Comer frutas y verduras es saludable.

Eating fruits and vegetables is healthy.

This sentence is a basic affirmation in Spanish, stating a fact about the health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables.

El ejercicio diario es necesario para una vida saludable.

English translation of El ejercicio diario es necesario para una vida saludable.

Daily exercise is necessary for a healthy life.

This sentence in Spanish is expressing the importance of daily exercise for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Es importante mantener una dieta saludable.

English translation of Es importante mantener una dieta saludable.

It is important to maintain a healthy diet.

This Spanish sentence emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy diet for overall well-being.

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