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saltarse un stop

English translation of saltarse un stop

jumping a stop

The Spanish phrase 'saltarse un stop' translates to 'jumping a stop' in English. This phrase refers to the action of not stopping or ignoring a stop sign while driving. It is commonly used in the context of transportation and traffic rules. It indicates a violation, specifically, not adhering to the stop sign, which is a traffic violation. Therefore, whenever you come across this phrase in Spanish, it is referring to this particular traffic infraction.

Example sentences using: saltarse un stop

Si te saltas un stop, estás violando la ley.

English translation of Si te saltas un stop, estás violando la ley.

If you run a stop sign, you're breaking the law.

This sentence uses the phrase 'saltarse un stop' to indicate the action of not stopping at a stop sign, which is illegal. It's used to emphasize the seriousness of the action.

El conductor se saltó un stop y tuvo un accidente.

English translation of El conductor se saltó un stop y tuvo un accidente.

The driver ran a stop sign and had an accident.

In this example, 'saltarse un stop' is used to describe an event where a driver did not stop at a stop sign, leading to an accident. This phrase is commonly used in Spanish to explain traffic accidents.

Saltarse un stop puede tener consecuencias graves.

English translation of Saltarse un stop puede tener consecuencias graves.

Running a stop sign can have serious consequences.

This sentence uses 'saltarse un stop' to convey the potential serious consequences of not stopping at a stop sign. The phrase is used to indicate a warning or advice.

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