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salir gratis

English translation of salir gratis

go free

The Spanish term 'salir gratis' translates to 'go free' in English. It's often used in contexts where someone avoids a negative consequence or sanction, such as a fine or punishment, or to denote that something doesn't have a cost or charge. However, like with any language, its exact meaning and usage may vary depending on the context.

Example sentences using: salir gratis

La visita al museo puede salir gratis si llegas temprano.

English translation of La visita al museo puede salir gratis si llegas temprano.

The visit to the museum can be free if you arrive early.

This sentence is used to express the possibility of not having to pay for the museum visit if someone arrives early. The verb 'salir' is used in a figurative way to express the outcome of a particular situation.

Si participas en el concurso, tu cena puede salir gratis.

English translation of Si participas en el concurso, tu cena puede salir gratis.

If you participate in the contest, your dinner can be free.

This sentence communicates that by participating in a contest, one has the chance of getting their dinner for free. The term 'salir gratis' is used to denote the resulting situation after participating in the contest.

Con suficientes cupones, este producto puede salir gratis.

English translation of Con suficientes cupones, este producto puede salir gratis.

With enough coupons, this product can be free.

This example suggests that by collecting enough coupons, the buyer can get the product for free. Here, 'salir gratis' is used to refer to the final result (the product being free) after the action (collecting enough coupons).

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