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salir a escena

English translation of salir a escena

go on stage

The Spanish phrase 'salir a escena' translates to 'go on stage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of theater or performance arts where performers 'go on stage' to start their act or presentation. It represents the transition from being off-stage or backstage to being in front of the audience, ready to perform or present.

Example sentences using: salir a escena

El actor tenía miedo de salir a escena

English translation of El actor tenía miedo de salir a escena

The actor was afraid to go on stage

In this context, 'salir a escena' means 'to go on stage'. The actor is anxious about performing in front of an audience.

Es tu turno de salir a escena

English translation of Es tu turno de salir a escena

It's your turn to go on stage

Here, 'salir a escena' means 'to go on stage'. It is used to tell someone that it is their time to perform or present something in front of an audience.

Después de salir a escena, recibió un fuerte aplauso

English translation of Después de salir a escena, recibió un fuerte aplauso

After going on stage, he received a big applause

'Salir a escena' in this example means 'after going on stage'. After the person performed or presented, the audience applauded them.

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