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English translation of salir


The Spanish verb 'salir' translates to 'leave' in English. It is a commonly used verb that indicates the action of leaving a place or departing. It can also refer to exiting a situation or a state of being. For example, 'Voy a salir de casa' which translates to 'I am going to leave the house.'

Example sentences using: salir

Voy a salir a pasear con mi perro.

English translation of Voy a salir a pasear con mi perro.

I am going to go out to walk with my dog.

This sentence is stating that the speaker is planning on going out to take their dog for a walk, perhaps as part of a daily routine.

Debemos salir de la ciudad para visitar a nuestros parientes.

English translation of Debemos salir de la ciudad para visitar a nuestros parientes.

We must leave the city to visit our relatives.

This sentence is about someone expressing the need to depart from their city, likely their current location, in order to visit their family members in another place.

Voy a salir temprano del trabajo hoy.

English translation of Voy a salir temprano del trabajo hoy.

I am going to leave work early today.

This sentence is a simple declaration stating that the speaker plans to depart from their workplace earlier than usual on this day.

No puedo salir sin mi teléfono móvil.

English translation of No puedo salir sin mi teléfono móvil.

I can't leave without my mobile phone.

This sentence states that the speaker is unable to go out or leave their current location unless they have their mobile phone with them.

Siempre intenta salir de los problemas.

English translation of Siempre intenta salir de los problemas.

He always tries to get out of trouble.

The sentence is about a person who constantly makes attempts to resolve conflicts or avoid problems.

Podemos salir juntos esta noche.

English translation of Podemos salir juntos esta noche.

We can go out together tonight.

This sentence is a suggestion or proposal that the speaker and listener should enjoy some time outside together, likely in the evening.

Vamos a salir de compras este fin de semana.

English translation of Vamos a salir de compras este fin de semana.

We are going to go shopping this weekend.

This sentence is a plan stating that the speaker and one or more other people will spend time shopping during the upcoming weekend.

Voy a salir a la tienda para comprar leche.

English translation of Voy a salir a la tienda para comprar leche.

I am going to go to the store to buy milk.

This sentence states that the speaker intends to leave their current location to go to a store with the purpose of purchasing milk.

Mi vuelo va a salir en una hora.

English translation of Mi vuelo va a salir en una hora.

My flight is going to leave in one hour.

In this sentence, the speaker is communicating that their airplane will take off or depart in an hour.

Necesito salir para tomar un poco de aire fresco.

English translation of Necesito salir para tomar un poco de aire fresco.

I need to go out to get some fresh air.

This sentence expresses the speaker's desire or need to go outdoors in order to breathe in some fresh air, perhaps for health reasons or as a break.

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