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sales de baño

English translation of sales de baño

bath salts

The Spanish term 'sales de baño' directly translates to 'bath salts' in English. They are a type of designer drug that are often disguised as actual bath salts. They can come in powder, crystal, or liquid form. The compounds found in these 'bath salts' are similar to naturally occurring substances like salt, but they have been chemically modified to produce similar effects as drugs. The term 'sales de baño' might also refer to a product used in bathing for moisture absorption and skin relaxation.

Example sentences using: sales de baño

He comprado unas sales de baño y las usaré esta noche.

English translation of He comprado unas sales de baño y las usaré esta noche.

I have bought some bath salts and will use them tonight.

The speaker is indicating that they have recently purchased some bath salts. They also express their intent to use them later in the evening, suggesting that they plan to take a bath.

Juan, ¿puedes añadir estas sales de baño al agua?

English translation of Juan, ¿puedes añadir estas sales de baño al agua?

Juan, can you add these bath salts to the water?

The speaker is asking Juan to put the indicated bath salts into the water. It’s most likely that they are preparing a bath and want to enhance their bathing experience with the use of bath salts.

Las sales de baño pueden tener aromas relajantes.

English translation of Las sales de baño pueden tener aromas relajantes.

Bath salts can have relaxing aromas.

In this case, the speaker is discussing a feature of bath salts, which is their ability to have soothing scents. They are implicitly suggesting that bath salts can be used to create a relaxing environment, possibly during a bath.

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