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English translation of sagrado


The Spanish word 'sagrado' translates to 'sacred' in English. It is often used in religious contexts, where 'sacred' refers to something that is regarded with deep respect and reverence in particular religious traditions. However, outside of religion, it can be used more generally to communicate an profound sense of awe and respect. Similarly, 'sagrado' can be used both in a religious aspect or generally in Spanish. It can be related to things, places, or moments considered to have a special significance.

Example sentences using: sagrado

El río Ganges es sagrado para los hindúes.

English translation of El río Ganges es sagrado para los hindúes.

The Ganges river is sacred to the Hindus.

In this phrase, 'sagrado' is used to imply a great deal of reverence and respect. The Ganges river is considered holy in Hindu religion and culture, hence making the term 'sagrado' appropriate in this context.

El amor es un sentimiento sagrado.

English translation of El amor es un sentimiento sagrado.

Love is a sacred feeling.

The term 'sagrado' is used here to describe the high regard in which the feeling of love is held. It emphasizes that love is a powerful and revered feeling, and conveys the importance of it in human relationships.

Las Escrituras son sagradas para los creyentes.

English translation of Las Escrituras son sagradas para los creyentes.

The Scriptures are sacred to the believers.

Here, 'sagrado' is utilized to bring out the idea of sanctity and reverence associated with religious texts among believers. It underscores the belief that Scriptures are not just significant, but divine and profoundly respected.

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