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sacar una foto

English translation of sacar una foto

Take a picture

The Spanish phrase 'sacar una foto' translates to 'take a picture' in English. It is a common term often used in conversational Spanish. Invoked when someone wants to capture a moment using a camera or a smartphone, much like the English equivalent. For instance, while on a vacation or at a gathering, someone can say, 'Vamos a sacar una foto', which translates to 'Let's take a picture'. It stands as a perfect example to highlight the rich and vivid terminology found in the Spanish language.

Example sentences using: sacar una foto

Necesito sacar una foto para mi proyecto de arte.

English translation of Necesito sacar una foto para mi proyecto de arte.

I need to take a photo for my art project.

In this sentence, 'sacar una foto' is used in the context of needing to take a photograph for a specific purpose, in this case, an art project.

¿Puedo sacar una foto de tu perro?

English translation of ¿Puedo sacar una foto de tu perro?

Can I take a photo of your dog?

Here, 'sacar una foto' is used to ask for permission to take a photograph. The subject of the photograph is 'your dog'.

Cuando llegamos al lugar, vamos a sacar una foto juntos.

English translation of Cuando llegamos al lugar, vamos a sacar una foto juntos.

When we arrive at the place, we are going to take a photo together.

In this example, 'sacar una foto' is used in the future tense to describe an action that will happen when a certain condition is met, in this case, the arrival at a certain place.

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