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sacar(se) el carné de conducir

English translation of sacar(se) el carné de conducir

remove the driver's license

The Spanish phrase 'sacar(se) el carné de conducir' does not mean 'remove the driver's license' in English. Rather, it translates to 'get the driving license'. It's used in a context when someone obtains their driving license for the first time or gets it renewed. It's important to note that 'sacar' in Spanish does not only mean 'remove' or 'take out', but it can also mean 'to obtain' or 'get' in certain contexts.

Example sentences using: sacar(se) el carné de conducir

Este verano voy a sacarme el carné de conducir.

English translation of Este verano voy a sacarme el carné de conducir.

This summer I'm going to get my driving license.

This sentence uses the reflexive form 'sacarme' to denote that the speaker intends to get their driving license themselves. 'Este verano' signifies that the action will be taken in the coming summer.

Luis siempre olvida sacar el carné de conducir cuando hace un viaje.

English translation of Luis siempre olvida sacar el carné de conducir cuando hace un viaje.

Luis always forgets to take his driving license when he goes on a trip.

This sentence uses the verb 'sacar' in the context of remembering to bring along one's driving license. The phrase 'cuando hace un viaje' indicates the circumstances under which Luis forgets to bring his driving license.

¿Has pensado en sacarte el carné de conducir?

English translation of ¿Has pensado en sacarte el carné de conducir?

Have you thought about getting your driving license?

In this sentence, the verb 'sacarte' is used to ask if someone has considered the idea of getting their (you, in this case) driving license.

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