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English translation of rugido


The Spanish word 'rugido' translates to 'roar' in English. It is often used in the context of a large animal, such as a lion, making a loud, deep sound, especially as a show of power or expression of anger. However, it can also metaphorically refer to any loud, booming sound or a strong, powerful voice.

Similar words:

Example sentences using: rugido

El rugido del león se escuchó en toda la selva.

English translation of El rugido del león se escuchó en toda la selva.

The roar of the lion was heard throughout the jungle.

This sentence is using the word 'rugido' to describe the sound that a lion makes. In English, this is known as a roar. The sentence tells us that the lion's roar was so loud, it could be heard everywhere in the jungle.

El rugido del viento en la noche me asustó.

English translation of El rugido del viento en la noche me asustó.

The roar of the wind at night scared me.

Here the word 'rugido' is used metaphorically to describe the sound of the wind. The sentence implies that the wind was blowing so strong, it was like a 'roar' and it made the person feel scared.

Escuché el rugido de tu estómago de aquí.

English translation of Escuché el rugido de tu estómago de aquí.

I heard the roar of your stomach from here.

In this case, 'rugido' is used humorously to depict the sound of a person's stomach. The speaker is noting that they could hear the other person's stomach making noises from where they are standing.

El rugido del motor indicaba que estaba en buen estado.

English translation of El rugido del motor indicaba que estaba en buen estado.

The roar of the engine indicated that it was in good condition.

Here, 'rugido' refers to the sound that a well-functioning engine makes. The sentence implies that by hearing the sound ('roar') of the engine, one could tell that it is in good condition.

El rugido de las olas contra las rocas era relajante.

English translation of El rugido de las olas contra las rocas era relajante.

The roar of the waves against the rocks was relaxing.

In this sentence, the word 'rugido' is used to describe the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks. The speaker finds this sound to be relaxing.

El rugido del público cuando marcamos el gol fue ensordecedor.

English translation of El rugido del público cuando marcamos el gol fue ensordecedor.

The roar of the crowd when we scored the goal was deafening.

In this context, 'rugido' represents the loud cheers of the crowd when a goal was scored. The noise was so loud that it was 'deafening' to the ears.

El rugido de la tormenta tenía un tono amenazante.

English translation of El rugido de la tormenta tenía un tono amenazante.

The roar of the storm had a threatening tone.

In this example, 'rugido' describes the loud and threatening sound of the storm. This sentence gives the impression that the storm was fierce and imposing.

El rugido de la cascada se podía escuchar a kilómetros de distancia.

English translation of El rugido de la cascada se podía escuchar a kilómetros de distancia.

The roar of the waterfall could be heard kilometers away.

In this case, 'rugido' pertains to the loud sound of the waterfall. The sentence states that the waterfall is so loud, it can be heard from kilometers away.

El rugido del dragón en la película sonaba muy real.

English translation of El rugido del dragón en la película sonaba muy real.

The roar of the dragon in the movie sounded very real.

Here, the word 'rugido' is used in the context of filmmaking to describe the sound effect of a dragon's roar. The fact that it sounded real implies that the sound design of the movie was highly effective.

El rugido de la multitud duró varios minutos después de la declaración del ganador.

English translation of El rugido de la multitud duró varios minutos después de la declaración del ganador.

The roar of the crowd lasted several minutes after the winner was announced.

The word 'rugido' in this sentence refers to the loud cheering of a crowd after hearing an exciting announcement. The cheering lasted for several minutes, indicating the audience's extreme excitement and approval of the result.

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