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English translation of romanticismo


The word 'romanticismo' in Spanish translates to 'romanticism' in English. It refers to a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual. This term is frequently used to express a period of history, a way of thinking, a philosophical movement, or an artistic style that has emphasis on expressing personal feelings and emotions.

Example sentences using: romanticismo

El romanticismo fue un movimiento cultural y político que originó en Europa.

English translation of El romanticismo fue un movimiento cultural y político que originó en Europa.

Romanticism was a cultural and political movement that originated in Europe.

This sentence reflects the term 'romanticismo' in the historical and cultural context, referring to the movement that started in Europe and had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including arts, literature and politics.

Muchos artistas del romanticismo preferían la expresión emocional cruda y la individualidad.

English translation of Muchos artistas del romanticismo preferían la expresión emocional cruda y la individualidad.

Many artists from the romanticism preferred raw emotional expression and individuality.

In this sentence, the term 'romanticismo' is used to describe the period and the style of certain artists. They valued emotions over reason, a key characteristic of the Romanticism era.

El amor irracional es a menudo un tema destacado en la literatura del romanticismo.

English translation of El amor irracional es a menudo un tema destacado en la literatura del romanticismo.

Irrational love is often a highlighted theme in the literature of romanticism.

This statement uses 'romanticismo' to refer to a characteristic theme of the literary works from the Romantic era. The theme of irrational love, as opposed to the rationality of the Enlightenment era, is portrayed in many pieces of literature during this period.

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