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English translation of roca


The Spanish word for rock is 'roca'. This is a noun and can be used in the same way as 'rock' in English. It can refer to a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like, or a small piece or part of a hard substance. Similar to English, it can also be used metaphorically, for example in the phrase 'eres mi roca', or 'you are my rock'.

Example sentences using: roca

Dibujó una roca en su cuaderno.

English translation of Dibujó una roca en su cuaderno.

He drew a rock in his notebook.

In this sentence, the word 'roca' is the object that the action (drawing) has been applied to.

Esa roca es muy grande.

English translation of Esa roca es muy grande.

That rock is very big.

In this simple sentence, we are using the word 'roca' (rock) to describe the size of an object i.e., a rock in this case, using the adjective 'grande' (big).

El gato está escondido detrás de la roca.

English translation of El gato está escondido detrás de la roca.

The cat is hidden behind the rock.

In this sentence, we use the word 'roca' to specify a location. It tells us where the cat is hidden, which is 'detrás de la roca' (behind the rock).

Vamos a escalar esa roca.

English translation of Vamos a escalar esa roca.

Let's climb that rock.

Here, 'roca' is the object that the action (climbing) is being applied to.

Encontré un insecto debajo de la roca.

English translation of Encontré un insecto debajo de la roca.

I found an insect under the rock.

This sentence describes finding something in relation to 'roca'. The insect was found 'debajo de la roca' (under the rock).

La roca rodó colina abajo.

English translation of La roca rodó colina abajo.

The rock rolled down the hill.

This sentence describes an event related to the 'roca'. The action here is 'rodó' (rolled), which the rock is doing 'colina abajo' (down the hill).

Rompió la roca con un martillo.

English translation of Rompió la roca con un martillo.

He broke the rock with a hammer.

Here, the action of breaking (rompió) is applied to the 'roca' with the help of a tool (un martillo).

La roca está mojada por la lluvia.

English translation of La roca está mojada por la lluvia.

The rock is wet from the rain.

In this example, the 'roca' is being described as being 'mojada' (wet) because of the rain.

La casa está construida sobre una roca.

English translation of La casa está construida sobre una roca.

The house is built on a rock.

In this sentence, the word 'roca' is used to describe the foundation or location upon which the house is built.

La roca en el camino bloquea nuestra ruta.

English translation of La roca en el camino bloquea nuestra ruta.

The rock on the road is blocking our path.

This sentence uses 'roca' to show an obstacle in a path or road which is hindering travel.

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