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English translation of ribera


The Spanish word 'ribera' translates to 'shore' in English. In geographical terms, a shore or shoreline is the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or large lake. It is a significant geographical concept that differs from other terms like coast, beach, and bank. 'Ribera' in Spanish is used in the same context, to describe the strip of land that meets with a body of water.

Example sentences using: ribera

El bote estaba anclado cerca de la ribera

English translation of El bote estaba anclado cerca de la ribera

The boat was anchored near the shore

In this sentence, 'ribera' is used to refer to the shore, indicating the location of the boat.

Vivimos al lado de la ribera del río

English translation of Vivimos al lado de la ribera del río

We live next to the river bank

Here, 'ribera' is utilized to denote the bank of the river, giving an indication about the residence.

La vista de la ribera es realmente hermosa

English translation of La vista de la ribera es realmente hermosa

The view of the shore is really beautiful

In this context, 'ribera' is used to talk about the shore, emphasizing the beautiful view it provides.

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