The Spanish word 'rezar' refers to the act of speaking to a deity or higher power, often in the form of a fervent request or expression of thanks. This action, known in English as 'pray', is often a central part of religious or spiritual practices. 'Rezar' can imply both the formal act of prayer, such as in a religious service, or a personal, informal pray, such as praying for good weather or for a loved one's health.
Let's pray before dinner.
This sentence is requesting everyone to come together and pray before the dinner starts.
Don't forget to pray before going to bed.
This sentence reminds someone of the importance or habit of praying before sleep. It is a common practice in many religions and cultures.
They go to church to pray.
This sentence is about the practice of going to a specific place of worship, in this case a church, to engage in the act of prayer. This indicates a religious or spiritual activity.