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English translation of rey


In Spanish, 'rey' is the word for 'king'. It's generally used to refer to the male ruler of a nation who usually inherits his position by virtue of birth- similar to the usage in English. It can also be used metaphorically to represent someone who is best at something, or to denote extreme importance in a specific context.

Example sentences using: rey

El rey mandó a sus hombres a la guerra.

English translation of El rey mandó a sus hombres a la guerra.

The king sent his men to war.

This sentence means that the monarch or ruler (king) has deployed or sent his followers or warriors (men) to engage in a battle or conflict (war).

Mi gato se llama Rey porque es muy majestuoso.

English translation of Mi gato se llama Rey porque es muy majestuoso.

My cat is called King because he is very majestic.

In this sentence, the speaker's cat's name is Rey (King) because it is very majestic looking or behaving.

El palacio del rey es enorme.

English translation of El palacio del rey es enorme.

The king's palace is huge.

This sentence is describing the size of a king's palace, stating that it is very large or spacious.

El Rey León es mi película favorita.

English translation of El Rey León es mi película favorita.

The Lion King is my favorite movie.

The speaker is talking about their favorite movie, which is 'The Lion King.'

En algunos países, todavía hay un rey o una reina.

English translation of En algunos países, todavía hay un rey o una reina.

In some countries, there is still a king or a queen.

This sentence is noting that monarchies, where a king or a queen reigns, still exist in some parts of the world.

El rey de la selva es el león.

English translation of El rey de la selva es el león.

The king of the jungle is the lion.

This phrase is a common saying that recognizes the lion as the 'king' or powerful ruler of the wildlife found in the jungle or savannah.

Mi abuelo solía decir: 'soy el rey de mi castillo'.

English translation of Mi abuelo solía decir: 'soy el rey de mi castillo'.

My grandfather used to say: 'I am the king of my castle.'

The speaker reflects on an old saying from their grandfather, indicating a sense of ownership and authority over his home or space.

El rey siempre lleva una corona.

English translation of El rey siempre lleva una corona.

The king always wears a crown.

This sentence indicates that a typical symbol of a king's authority and status is a crown, which is usually worn on the head.

Visitamos el mausoleo del rey durante nuestro viaje.

English translation of Visitamos el mausoleo del rey durante nuestro viaje.

We visited the king's mausoleum during our trip.

The speaker mentions that during their journey or trip, they visited a king's mausoleum, a building where a king's remains are buried.

Soy el rey del ajedrez en la escuela.

English translation of Soy el rey del ajedrez en la escuela.

I am the king of chess at school.

The speaker states that among his or her schoolmates, they are considered to be the best or most accomplished at playing the game of chess.

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