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revolución industrial

English translation of revolución industrial

industrial revolution

The term 'revolución industrial' translates to 'industrial revolution' in English. Industrial revolution refers to the period of major industrialization that occurred during the late 1700s and early 1800s. This period saw the advent of new manufacturing processes, transforming economies that were largely based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. Major changes in agriculture, mining, manufacturing and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the time. It began in Great Britain and eventually spread to Western Europe and the United States.

Example sentences using: revolución industrial

La revolución industrial cambió radicalmente la economía mundial en el siglo XIX.

English translation of La revolución industrial cambió radicalmente la economía mundial en el siglo XIX.

The industrial revolution dramatically changed the world economy in the 19th century.

This sentence is referencing the significant impact that the industrial revolution had in transforming the global economy during the 1800s.

Durante la revolución industrial, se desarrollaron muchas tecnologías nuevas que mejoraron la vida de las personas.

English translation of Durante la revolución industrial, se desarrollaron muchas tecnologías nuevas que mejoraron la vida de las personas.

During the industrial revolution, many new technologies were developed that improved people's lives.

This sentence conveys how the industrial revolution period was marked by the development of new technologies that enhanced the quality of life for people.

La revolución industrial generó un cambio dramático en las condiciones de trabajo en las fábricas.

English translation of La revolución industrial generó un cambio dramático en las condiciones de trabajo en las fábricas.

The industrial revolution brought about a dramatic change in working conditions in factories.

This sentence highlights how the industrial revolution led to major changes in the working conditions within factories, often with the introduction of machinery and different work processes.

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