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revisión dental

English translation of revisión dental

dental review

The Spanish phrase 'revisión dental' directly translates to 'dental review' in English. It is used in health and medical contexts, specifically referring to the process where a dentist checks an individual's teeth for any issues or anomalies. This includes looking for cavities, gum disease, and other dental health concerns. This concept is important as regular 'revisiones dentales' or 'dental reviews' are a significant part of maintaining one's overall health.

Example sentences using: revisión dental

Mañana tengo una cita para una revisión dental.

English translation of Mañana tengo una cita para una revisión dental.

Tomorrow I have an appointment for a dental check-up.

In this example, the speaker is using 'revisión dental' to express that they have a scheduled dental check-up appointment the following day. It demonstrates how to use 'revisión dental' within a future context.

La revisión dental es importante para mantener una buena salud oral.

English translation of La revisión dental es importante para mantener una buena salud oral.

Dental check-ups are important for maintaining good oral health.

This sentence is a general claim about the importance of dental check-ups (revisión dental) for overall oral health. It shows 'revisión dental' used in a broader, informative context.

La última vez que tuve una revisión dental, el dentista encontró una cavidad.

English translation of La última vez que tuve una revisión dental, el dentista encontró una cavidad.

The last time I had a dental check-up, the dentist found a cavity.

In this example, 'revisión dental' is used to convey past experience during a dental check-up when a cavity was discovered. It illustrates the use of 'revisión dental' in a narrative context.

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