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revelar un carrete

English translation of revelar un carrete

reveal a reel

The Spanish phrase 'revelar un carrete' translates to 'reveal a reel' in English. It's often used in the context of developing film from a film roll, a process which brings the captured images to life. In a broader context, it may also suggest the notion of unveiling or uncovering something.

Example sentences using: revelar un carrete

Voy a revelar un carrete de fotografías que tomé en el viaje.

English translation of Voy a revelar un carrete de fotografías que tomé en el viaje.

I am going to develop a roll of photographs that I took on the trip.

This sentence is indicating that the speaker is planning to develop (or 'revelar' in Spanish) a roll of film ('un carrete') which has photos from a trip they took.

Pedro necesita revelar un carrete antes de mostrarnos sus últimos retratos.

English translation of Pedro necesita revelar un carrete antes de mostrarnos sus últimos retratos.

Pedro needs to develop a roll before showing us his latest portraits.

In this example, Pedro has to develop a roll of film, presumably containing his recent portrait photos, before he can present them to the ones the sentence is referring to.

Por error, Mariana fue a revelar un carrete que ya había sido revelado.

English translation of Por error, Mariana fue a revelar un carrete que ya había sido revelado.

By mistake, Mariana went to develop a roll that had already been developed.

This sentence describes a situation where Mariana mistakenly tries to develop a roll of film that has already been developed, using the phrase 'revelar un carrete' to explain the action she mistakenly carried out.

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