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resumir un texto

English translation of resumir un texto

summarize a text

The Spanish phrase 'resumir un texto' translates to 'summarize a text' in English. It refers to the action of condensing the main ideas or concepts of a text into a shorter form, maintaining the essence of the original content. As a verb, 'resumir' relates to the reduction of information, while 'un texto' is simply 'a text' or work of literature, a newspaper article, a manual, among others, that can be summarized.

Example sentences using: resumir un texto

Una de las tareas en nuestra clase de español es resumir un texto de un libro que estamos leyendo.

English translation of Una de las tareas en nuestra clase de español es resumir un texto de un libro que estamos leyendo.

One of the tasks in our Spanish class is to summarize a text from a book we are reading.

This sentence describes an activity often assigned in language classes, which involves reading a specific text (in this case, a book) and recapitulating its content in a concise manner. The action of summarizing can help to comprehend and retain the information better.

Podrías ayudarme a resumir un texto para mi próxima presentación?

English translation of Podrías ayudarme a resumir un texto para mi próxima presentación?

Could you help me summarize a text for my next presentation?

This request is asking for assistance in condensing information down into more concise format. The context indicates that the speaker is preparing for a presentation and needs a summary of a specific text to possibly include in the attended event.

Es difícil para mí resumir un texto porque no quiero perder los detalles importantes.

English translation of Es difícil para mí resumir un texto porque no quiero perder los detalles importantes.

It's hard for me to summarize a text because I don't want to lose the important details.

This statement expresses a common struggle in the task of summarizing text, which is the challenge of deciding which details are significant enough to be included in the brief recapitulation and which can be omitted. The speaker indicates a concern about potential loss of crucial information when condensing the text.

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