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respetar el medio ambiente

English translation of respetar el medio ambiente

respect the environment

The Spanish phrase 'respetar el medio ambiente' translates to 'respect the environment' in English. This phrase denotes the belief in maintaining balance in the environment by not causing harm or overusing natural resources. It promotes eco-friendly activities, sustainability, and responsible actions that will not bring destructive impacts on the environment. The verb 'respetar' means to respect, 'el medio' means the environment, and 'ambiente' stands for atmosphere or surrounding.

Example sentences using: respetar el medio ambiente

Deberíamos respetar el medio ambiente evitando el uso de plásticos de un solo uso.

English translation of Deberíamos respetar el medio ambiente evitando el uso de plásticos de un solo uso.

We should respect the environment by avoiding the use of single-use plastics.

This sentence uses the phrase 'respetar el medio ambiente' (respect the environment) to stress the need for limiting the use of single-use plastics.

Es fundamental respetar el medio ambiente para las futuras generaciones.

English translation of Es fundamental respetar el medio ambiente para las futuras generaciones.

It is essential to respect the environment for future generations.

In this sentence, 'respetar el medio ambiente' (respect the environment) is being used in the context of highlighting the importance of preserving the environment for future generations.

Los niños deben aprender a respetar el medio ambiente desde temprana edad.

English translation of Los niños deben aprender a respetar el medio ambiente desde temprana edad.

Children should learn to respect the environment from an early age.

The phrase 'respetar el medio ambiente' (respect the environment) is used here to promote the idea of teaching children environmental respect at young ages.

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