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respetar el código de circulación

English translation of respetar el código de circulación

respect the traffic code

The phrase 'respetar el código de circulación' in Spanish translates to 'respect the traffic code' in English. It essentially means to follow all the rules and regulations established to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. These rules could include traffic signals, road signs, and the speed limit among other regulations. It is fundamentally about responsible and appropriate conduct when using the road, for the safety and efficiency of all road users.

Example sentences using: respetar el código de circulación

Todos deberíamos respetar el código de circulación para mantenernos seguros.

English translation of Todos deberíamos respetar el código de circulación para mantenernos seguros.

We should all respect the traffic code to keep us safe.

This sentence is urging everybody to respect the traffic code. The traffic code contains laws and guidelines on how to behave on the road to ensure safety.

No puedo creer que ella no respete el código de circulación.

English translation of No puedo creer que ella no respete el código de circulación.

I can't believe she doesn't respect the traffic code.

This sentence displays disbelief that a particular person does not adhere to the traffic laws and regulations. This could potentially imply some form of reckless or dangerous behavior.

Es tu responsabilidad respetar el código de circulación.

English translation of Es tu responsabilidad respetar el código de circulación.

It's your responsibility to respect the traffic code.

This sentence explains that complying with the traffic laws and regulations is an individual's responsibility, implying that failure to do so could result in harm or legal troubles.

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