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English translation of respetar


The Spanish word 'respetar' translates to 'respect' in English. It is a verb and it expresses the concept of admiration for someone because of their qualities, accomplishments, or abilities. It can also denote consideration or regard for someone's feelings, wishes, or rights. In a broader sense, 'respetar' can be used in various contexts to imply deference or courtesy.

Example sentences using: respetar

Debemos respetar a nuestros mayores.

English translation of Debemos respetar a nuestros mayores.

We must respect our elders.

The term 'respetar' is used in this context to show the importance of giving high regard or special consideration for our elders. This phrase is used commonly to teach or remind the younger generations the value of respect towards the older ones.

Es importante respetar las normas de la comunidad.

English translation of Es importante respetar las normas de la comunidad.

It is important to respect the rules of the community.

In this sentence, 'respetar' conveys the idea of adhering to or complying with the rules or standards set by a community. It emphasizes the need for individuals to contribute to the harmony of the group by not violating these established guidelines.

Respetar la diversidad cultural es fundamental en nuestra sociedad.

English translation of Respetar la diversidad cultural es fundamental en nuestra sociedad.

Respecting cultural diversity is fundamental in our society.

Here, 'respetar' is used to express the respect towards the variety of different cultures present in a society. The phrase stresses the importance of acceptance and understanding among various cultural backgrounds in order to promote unity.

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