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resolver una ecuación

English translation of resolver una ecuación

resolve an equation

The Spanish phrase 'resolver una ecuación' translates to 'resolve an equation' in English. However, it is important to note that 'resolver' has a broader scope in Spanish and can mean to solve, to answer or to resolve depending on the context. Similarly, 'una ecuación' refers to a mathematical statement consisting of an equals sign and two sides of an equation that holds true. Thus, 'resolver una ecuación' implies the process of finding a solution to a mathematical problem or equation.

Example sentences using: resolver una ecuación

Ana está estudiando para resolver una ecuación en su prueba de matemáticas.

English translation of Ana está estudiando para resolver una ecuación en su prueba de matemáticas.

Ana is studying to solve an equation in her math test.

In this sentence, the phrase 'resolver una ecuación' is used to describe what Ana is studying for. She is preparing for a math test where she will have to solve equations.

Para resolver una ecuación, es importante entender las reglas del álgebra.

English translation of Para resolver una ecuación, es importante entender las reglas del álgebra.

To solve an equation, it is important to understand the rules of algebra.

This sentence uses the phrase 'resolver una ecuación' to talk about the importance of understanding algebra. The phrase is used in a general sense, referring to the process of solving any equation.

El profesor mostró cómo resolver una ecuación en la pizarra.

English translation of El profesor mostró cómo resolver una ecuación en la pizarra.

The teacher showed how to solve an equation on the blackboard.

Here, 'resolver una ecuación' is used in the context of a classroom. The phrase describes what the teacher is demonstrating to his or her students.

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