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English translation of resguardo


The Spanish word 'resguardo' translates to 'safeguard' in English. It is a noun that implies a measure taken to protect someone or something. In its broader sense, it also denotes providing immunity from potential danger or harm. 'Resguardo' can be used in different contexts like finance, health, security, and more. For instance, it can refer to a precautionary measure to safeguard an investment, the immunizing of a person against a disease, or securing a place against possible theft, etc.

Example sentences using: resguardo

La cabaña en el bosque era mi resguardo contra el mal tiempo.

English translation of La cabaña en el bosque era mi resguardo contra el mal tiempo.

The cabin in the woods was my shelter from bad weather.

In this usage, 'resguardo' is used to denote a physical place of protection or shelter. Despite it normally being used for documents or insurances, it can also apply to physical places that provide safety, like a cabin protecting from bad weather.

Mantengo el recibo de compra como resguardo.

English translation of Mantengo el recibo de compra como resguardo.

I keep the purchase receipt as a safeguard.

This sentence illustrates 'resguardo' used to mean 'safeguard' or 'proof'. It is a common usage when referring to keeping documents, like receipts, as proof of a purchase or any other agreement.

El resguardo de datos es esencial para la seguridad de la empresa.

English translation of El resguardo de datos es esencial para la seguridad de la empresa.

Data backup is essential for the company's security.

This situation uses 'resguardo' to refer to a backup or copy of important information as a measure of security. It's another common usage in business and technology contexts, where data safety is a key concern.

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