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reservar un billete de tren

English translation of reservar un billete de tren

book a train ticket

The Spanish phrase 'reservar un billete de tren' translates to 'book a train ticket' in English. This phrase is very practical and common, especially when traveling. 'Reservar' is the verb meaning 'to reserve' or 'to book', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', 'billete' means 'ticket' and 'de tren' means 'train'. Therefore, combined, it means 'to reserve a train ticket'. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, such as when purchasing a ticket at the station or when making an online reservation.

Example sentences using: reservar un billete de tren

Necesito reservar un billete de tren para mañana.

English translation of Necesito reservar un billete de tren para mañana.

I need to book a train ticket for tomorrow.

In this phrase, the individual expresses the need (necesito) to book (reservar) a train ticket (un billete de tren) for a specific time (para mañana).

Es posible que deba reservar un billete de tren pronto.

English translation of Es posible que deba reservar un billete de tren pronto.

It's possible that I may have to book a train ticket soon.

This sentence indicates a possibility (es posible) that the person may have to (que deba) book a train ticket (reservar un billete de tren) soon (pronto).

Si quieres venir con nosotros, debes reservar un billete de tren.

English translation of Si quieres venir con nosotros, debes reservar un billete de tren.

If you want to come with us, you should book a train ticket.

This example is giving advice or a prerequisite (si quieres...debes) for someone to come along (venir con nosotros) by means of booking a train ticket (reservar un billete de tren).

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