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English translation of republicano


The Spanish word 'republicano' which translates to 'republican' in English, typically refers to a supporter of a republic, a form of government that is not a monarchy or dictatorship, and can also denote a member of a specific political party carrying the name 'Republican'. It is often used in a political context to describe a person's political beliefs or affiliation.

Example sentences using: republicano

Voté por el candidato republicano.

English translation of Voté por el candidato republicano.

I voted for the Republican candidate.

The speaker is stating that they selected the candidate from the Republican Party in a recent vote.

Mi padre es republicano.

English translation of Mi padre es republicano.

My father is a Republican.

This sentence refers to the fathers political affiliation, specifically identifying him as a member of the Republican political party.

El republicano ganó las elecciones.

English translation of El republicano ganó las elecciones.

The Republican won the elections.

This sentence refers to a specific person, identified as a 'Republican', winning a political election.

Los republicanos son mayoritarios aquí.

English translation of Los republicanos son mayoritarios aquí.

Republicans are the majority here.

This means that in the speaker's location, those who identify as Republicans represent the majority.

El presidente republicano hizo varias reformas.

English translation of El presidente republicano hizo varias reformas.

The Republican president made several reforms.

The sentence speaks about a President, associated with the Republican Party, who has made several policy changes or reforms.

El senado está dominado por republicanos.

English translation of El senado está dominado por republicanos.

The senate is dominated by Republicans.

This sentence means that Republicans hold a majority position in the Senate.

El alcalde republicano fue reelegido.

English translation of El alcalde republicano fue reelegido.

The Republican mayor was reelected.

This sentence refers to a mayor, affiliated with the Republican Party, who has been elected to serve another term.

La propuesta del partido republicano fue aprobada.

English translation of La propuesta del partido republicano fue aprobada.

The proposal of the Republican party was approved.

The sentence indicates that a proposal put forth by the Republican Party has been approved, perhaps by a legislative body or electorate.

Tenemos dos representantes republicanos en nuestro distrito.

English translation of Tenemos dos representantes republicanos en nuestro distrito.

We have two Republican representatives in our district.

This sentence refers to having two politicians who affiliate themselves with the Republican Party and represent the speaker's district.

Ana es una republicana dedicada.

English translation of Ana es una republicana dedicada.

Ana is a dedicated Republican.

Ana is identified here as being a member of the Republican Party, and is particularly dedicated to its cause.

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