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English translation of república


The Spanish word 'república' translates to 'republic' in English. A republic is a form of government where power resides in the people, and the country is considered a 'public matter' with officials being representatives of the public and must govern according to existing constitution.

Example sentences using: república

Vivo en la República Dominicana.

English translation of Vivo en la República Dominicana.

I live in the Dominican Republic.

This sentence means the speaker resides in the Dominican Republic. 'Vivo' means I live, 'en' means in, and 'la República Dominicana' is the name of a country.

La República Argentina es un país en Sudamérica.

English translation of La República Argentina es un país en Sudamérica.

The Argentine Republic is a country in South America.

The phrase talks about the location of Argentina, also known as the Argentine Republic in South America. It uses 'es un país en' to express 'is a country in'.

La Constitución de la República garantiza la libertad de expresión.

English translation of La Constitución de la República garantiza la libertad de expresión.

The Constitution of the Republic guarantees freedom of speech.

This sentence declares that the Republican constitution ensures the right to express one's opinions openly. 'La Constitución de la República' refers to the Constitution of the Republic, and 'garantiza la libertad de expresión' means guarantees freedom of speech.

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