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reponer fuerzas

English translation of reponer fuerzas


The Spanish term 'reponer fuerzas' can be translated directly as 'replenish strength' in English. However, in a more specific context, it is commonly used to imply regaining your energy or strength after exertion, particularly used in the sense of having a meal, rest or sleep to recover your energy. Furthermore, it can be used figuratively to refer to ways different from nutrition to restore your spirit or mental energy. For this reason, a closely related English equivalent would be 'replenishment'.

Example sentences using: reponer fuerzas

Vamos a almorzar ahora, necesitamos reponer fuerzas.

English translation of Vamos a almorzar ahora, necesitamos reponer fuerzas.

Let's have lunch now, we need to regain strength.

This phrase is typically used when someone is feeling tired or weak, suggesting a meal as a way to restore energy or strength.

Después de un largo día de trabajo, vamos a ir a casa a reponer fuerzas.

English translation of Después de un largo día de trabajo, vamos a ir a casa a reponer fuerzas.

After a long day's work, we're going home to replenish our strength.

In the context of this sentence, 'reponer fuerzas' is used to express the idea of recovering energy or resting after a period of physical or mental exertion.

Necesitamos reponer fuerzas antes de la próxima jornada de trabajo.

English translation of Necesitamos reponer fuerzas antes de la próxima jornada de trabajo.

We need to regain strength before the next work day.

This sentence uses 'reponer fuerzas' to convey the idea of a necessary rest or recharge before a subsequent effort or labour. The energy recovery could be achieved through sleep, relaxation, or nourishment.

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