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renovar el carné de conducir

English translation of renovar el carné de conducir

renew driver's license

The Spanish phrase 'renovar el carné de conducir' translates to 'renew the driver's license' in English. It is often used in the context of administrative procedures that need to be followed in order to continue operating a motor vehicle legally. The word 'renovar' means 'to renew', 'el carné de conducir' refers to 'the driver's license'. So if you need to update or extend the validity of your driver's license in a Spanish-speaking country, this is the phrase you would use.

Example sentences using: renovar el carné de conducir

Tengo que renovar el carné de conducir que va a caducar después de un mes.

English translation of Tengo que renovar el carné de conducir que va a caducar después de un mes.

I have to renew my driver's license which is going to expire after a month.

This sentence explains that the speaker needs to renew their driver's license because it will expire in a month. The use of future tense ('va a caducar') indicates an action that will occur in the upcoming time.

¿Has recordado renovar el carné de conducir antes del viaje?

English translation of ¿Has recordado renovar el carné de conducir antes del viaje?

Have you remembered to renew your driver's license before the trip?

In this question, the speaker is asking if the listener had remembered to renew their driver's license. The phrase 'antes del viaje' helps to provide the timeframe when the action has to be done.

Renovar el carné de conducir fue una tarea fácil en mi ciudad natal.

English translation of Renovar el carné de conducir fue una tarea fácil en mi ciudad natal.

Renewing the driver's license was an easy task in my hometown.

This sentence tells about the speaker's experience in renewing the driver's license in their hometown. It implies that the procedure for such in their hometown is simple or convenient.

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