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English translation of reno


The 'reno' is a type of deer that inhabits the colder regions of North America, Northern Europe, and Asia. It is commonly associated with Christmas in many western cultures. The word is used in similar contexts as it would be in English, to refer to the animal itself or metaphors and cultural references based on it.

Example sentences using: reno

Santa Claus vive en el Polo Norte con sus renos.

English translation of Santa Claus vive en el Polo Norte con sus renos.

Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with his reindeers.

This is a cultural reference to the holiday folklore of Santa Claus, who is traditionally said to reside at the North Pole with a team of magical reindeers who help him deliver gifts.

Un reno macho puede pesar hasta trescientos kilos.

English translation of Un reno macho puede pesar hasta trescientos kilos.

A male reindeer can weigh up to three hundred kilograms.

This is stating a fact about the weight of male reindeers, indicating that they can weigh as much as 300 kilograms.

El reno es un símbolo importante en la cultura Sami.

English translation of El reno es un símbolo importante en la cultura Sami.

The reindeer is an important symbol in Sami culture.

This is stating that in the Sami culture, which is indigenous to northern parts of Scandinavia and Russia, the reindeer is a significant cultural symbol.

Los renos son buenos nadadores, e incluso pueden cruzar grandes cuerpos de agua.

English translation of Los renos son buenos nadadores, e incluso pueden cruzar grandes cuerpos de agua.

Reindeers are good swimmers, and can even cross large bodies of water.

This sentence is communicating the fact that reindeers are capable swimmers, and can traverse substantial bodies of water.

La hermosa piel del reno se utiliza para hacer ropa de abrigo.

English translation of La hermosa piel del reno se utiliza para hacer ropa de abrigo.

The beautiful reindeer skin is used to make warm clothing.

This sentence describes how reindeer skin is utilized in the manufacturing of clothing, specifically those designed for warmth.

El reno es conocido por sus impresionantes astas.

English translation of El reno es conocido por sus impresionantes astas.

The reindeer is known for its impressive antlers.

This is stating that one of the characteristics reindeer are most known for is their large and impressive antlers.

En Navidad, los niños esperan la visita de Papá Noel y sus renos.

English translation of En Navidad, los niños esperan la visita de Papá Noel y sus renos.

At Christmas, children await the visit of Santa Claus and his reindeer.

This is referencing the Christmas tradition where children anticipate a visit from Santa Claus, who is said to travel with a team of reindeer.

Los renos comen líquenes y hojas de sauce en la tundra.

English translation of Los renos comen líquenes y hojas de sauce en la tundra.

Reindeer eat lichens and willow leaves in the tundra.

This sentence shares information about the diet of reindeers in their wild habitat, which includes lichens and willow leaves.

Se puede reconocer a un reno por su nariz grande y húmeda.

English translation of Se puede reconocer a un reno por su nariz grande y húmeda.

You can recognize a reindeer by its big, wet nose.

This talks about one of the identifying characteristics of a reindeer which is its large and moist nose.

El reno es el mamífero nacional de Finlandia.

English translation of El reno es el mamífero nacional de Finlandia.

The reindeer is the national mammal of Finland.

This sentence is stating that the reindeer is named as the national animal in the country of Finland. In Finland reindeers hold significance in the culture and the economy, particularly in the northern regions.

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