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religión minoritaria

English translation of religión minoritaria

minority religion

The Spanish term 'religión minoritaria' translates to 'minority religion' in English. It refers to a religion that does not have a significant following in a particular place or among a particular community. It is generally not the dominant or mainstream religion, and its believers constitute a small fraction of the total population. These religions often have unique practices, traditions, and belief systems that differentiate them from the predominant religions.

Example sentences using: religión minoritaria

La religión minoritaria de esta región es el buddismo

English translation of La religión minoritaria de esta región es el buddismo

The minority religion in this region is Buddhism

This sentence is stating that the least practiced or less common religion in a certain area or region is Buddhism.

En algunos países se garantiza la libertad de practicar cualquier religión minoritaria

English translation of En algunos países se garantiza la libertad de practicar cualquier religión minoritaria

In some countries the freedom to practice any minority religion is guaranteed

The sentence describes that there are some countries where people have the liberty to practice any religion, even if it is not the dominant or majority religion in that country.

Juan está interesado en estudiar una religión minoritaria para su tesis de doctorado

English translation of Juan está interesado en estudiar una religión minoritaria para su tesis de doctorado

Juan is interested in studying a minority religion for his doctoral thesis

This sentence talks about a person named Juan who is considering studying a less common or minority religion for his major academic research work or doctoral thesis.

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