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English translation of reír


The Spanish word 'reír' is the equivalent of 'laugh' in English. It is used the same way it is in English: to express amusement, joy, or even sarcasm. It can be used in various forms depending on the context and the subject of the sentence, for instance, 'Yo río'(I laugh), 'Tú ríes'(You laugh), 'Él ríe'(He laughs), etc.

Example sentences using: reír

Ella no puede parar de reír.

English translation of Ella no puede parar de reír.

She can't stop laughing.

This sentence describes a situation where a girl (Ella) is laughing so much that she can't stop. 'No puede parar de' translates to 'can't stop'. 'Reír' is the verb for 'to laugh'.

Nos gusta reír mucho.

English translation of Nos gusta reír mucho.

We like to laugh a lot.

This sentences expresses preference using the phrase 'nos gusta' which means 'we like'. 'Reír' is the infinitive form of the verb 'Laugh', and 'mucho' means 'a lot'. Notice that verbs don’t change when used after 'gusta' in Spanish.

Mi mamá hace reír a toda la familia.

English translation of Mi mamá hace reír a toda la familia.

My mom makes the whole family laugh.

In this statement, 'mi mamá' means 'my mom', 'hace reír' translates to 'makes laugh', 'a toda la familia' means 'the whole family'. This indicates that something the mother does, says or behaves makes the entire family laugh.

El payaso hizo reír a los niños.

English translation of El payaso hizo reír a los niños.

The clown made the children laugh.

In this example, 'El payaso' refers to 'The clown', 'hizo reír' translates as 'made laugh', and 'a los niños' means 'the children'. It's a common way to describe someone caused laughter in others.

El chiste me hizo reír mucho.

English translation of El chiste me hizo reír mucho.

The joke made me laugh a lot.

This statement expresses a personal reaction to a joke. 'El chiste' means 'The joke', 'me hizo reír' translates as 'made me laugh', and 'mucho' means 'a lot'. It indicates that the speaker found the joke very funny.

No pude evitar reír al oír el chiste.

English translation of No pude evitar reír al oír el chiste.

I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the joke.

Here, 'No pude evitar' translates as 'I couldn't help but', 'reír' is 'laugh', 'al oír' means 'when I heard', and 'el chiste' is 'the joke'. This phrase describes a strong and perhaps involuntary reaction to a joke.

Reír es la mejor medicina.

English translation of Reír es la mejor medicina.

Laughter is the best medicine.

This is an idiomatic expression in many languages. 'Reír' means 'to laugh', and 'es la mejor medicina' translates as 'is the best medicine'. The phrase suggests that being happy and laughter can help you feel better if you're not feeling well.

¿Por qué estás riendo?

English translation of ¿Por qué estás riendo?

Why are you laughing?

Here, '¿Por qué' translates as 'Why', 'estás' is a form of 'to be' (estar), used for temporary states, and 'riendo' (laughing) is the present participle of 'reír'. This sentence is used to inquire the reason for someone's laughter.

Siempre me hace reír tu sentido del humor.

English translation of Siempre me hace reír tu sentido del humor.

Your sense of humor always makes me laugh.

In this sentence, 'Siempre me hace reír' translates to 'always makes me laugh', 'tu sentido del humor' means 'your sense of humor'. Indicating that the referred person's humor consistently brings laughter to the speaker.

Me encanta reír con mis amigos.

English translation of Me encanta reír con mis amigos.

I love laughing with my friends.

In this sentence, 'me encanta' expresses a strong liking or enjoyment for something, in this case 'reír con mis amigos', which translates to 'laughing with my friends'. It reflects a warm, social sentiment.

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