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English translation of regla


The Spanish word 'regla' can be used in much the same way as 'rule' in English. It is often used to describe a regulation, standard, or principle that must be followed. For example, 'Es una regla importante' translates to 'It's an important rule'. This word can also refer to a ruler, a tool used for measuring.

Example sentences using: regla

La regla es muy simple.

English translation of La regla es muy simple.

The rule is very simple.

This sentence emphasizes an easy or uncomplicated principle or guideline. 'Regla' in Spanish means 'rule'. 'Muy' means 'very' and 'simple' is the English cognate for 'simple'.

Necesito una regla para dibujar la linea recta.

English translation of Necesito una regla para dibujar la linea recta.

I need a ruler to draw the straight line.

Here, 'regla' is the Spanish term for the measuring tool 'ruler'. When it is used in a different context it can mean different things.

Vivimos bajo la misma regla.

English translation of Vivimos bajo la misma regla.

We live under the same rule.


No puedes quebrar la regla.

English translation of No puedes quebrar la regla.

You can't break the rule.

This phrase states that it is not allowed to disregard or disrespect a certain principle or law. 'No puedes' means 'you can't' and 'quebrar' is 'break'.

Esta es la regla más importante.

English translation of Esta es la regla más importante.

This is the most important rule.

In this phrase, the subject is being stressed as being the most crucial or significant law or principle. 'Esta es' is 'this is', 'más importante' means 'most important'.

La regla ha cambiado.

English translation of La regla ha cambiado.

The rule has changed.

This sentence notifies that a rule has been modified. 'Ha cambiado' in Spanish means 'has changed'.

No entiendo la regla de este juego.

English translation of No entiendo la regla de este juego.

I don't understand the rule of this game.

This phrase shows confusion or lack of grasp about a game instruction or regulation. 'No entiendo' is 'I don't understand', 'de este juego' means 'of this game'.

Falta una regla.

English translation of Falta una regla.

A rule is missing.

This sentence suggests a missing or absent rule. 'Falta' in Spanish is 'missing'.

Él hizo su propia regla.

English translation of Él hizo su propia regla.

He made his own rule.

This sentence illustrates someone creating their own principle or law. 'Él hizo' is 'he made', 'su propia' means 'his own'.

La regla numer one es respetar a todos.

English translation of La regla numer one es respetar a todos.

The number one rule is to respect everyone.

This phrase contains the most fundamental or principal law which is to respect everyone. 'Numer one' is 'number one', 'es' is 'is', 'respetar a todos' means 'respect everyone'.

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