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región poblada

English translation of región poblada

populated region

The Spanish phrase 'región poblada' translates to 'populated region' in English. It refers to an area or part of a country or the world that is occupied by a large number of people. A populated region typically has an established community, resources, and infrastructure which support human livelihood and activities. Examples of populated regions can be large bustling cities, suburbs or even smaller towns or villages which have a significant number of residents.

Example sentences using: región poblada

En esta región poblada, la mayoría de las personas hablan español.

English translation of En esta región poblada, la mayoría de las personas hablan español.

In this populated region, most people speak Spanish.

This sentence is stating that within a specific, populated region, the most common language spoken is Spanish. This sentence might be used in discussions about demographics or cultural characteristics of certain areas.

Una región poblada con una gran diversidad cultural es una riqueza para cualquier país.

English translation of Una región poblada con una gran diversidad cultural es una riqueza para cualquier país.

A populated region with great cultural diversity is a wealth for any country.

In this sentence, the speaker is pointing out the value of cultural diversity in a populated area, stating that it is a benefit or 'wealth' to any nation. This can be used when discussing benefits of cultural diversity or the diversity of specific regions.

La región poblada más cercana está a 50 kilómetros de aquí.

English translation of La región poblada más cercana está a 50 kilómetros de aquí.

The nearest populated region is 50 kilometers from here.

In this phrase, the speaker is referring to a populated area that is 50 kilometers distant from their current location. This can be used when discussing geography or travel.

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