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reformar un edificio

English translation of reformar un edificio

reform a building

The phrase 'reformar un edificio' in Spanish translates to 'reform a building' in English. It implies modifying or refurbishing a building to improve its condition or adapt it to new uses or standards. This term can be used in both professional settings such as in construction and architecture, and in casual conversations to describe making improvements or changes to a residential or commercial property.

Example sentences using: reformar un edificio

Es necesario reformar un edificio antiguo para preservar su valor histórico.

English translation of Es necesario reformar un edificio antiguo para preservar su valor histórico.

It is necessary to renovate an old building to preserve its historical value.

This sentence explains the importance of renovating old buildings for historical preservation. It implies a call to action ('Es necesario') indicating that it is a necessity or obligation to reform the building for historical preservation.

Mi trabajo es reformar un edificio y convertirlo en un lugar atractivo.

English translation of Mi trabajo es reformar un edificio y convertirlo en un lugar atractivo.

My job is to renovate a building and turn it into an attractive place.

This sentence suggests that the speaker’s profession is related to building renovation, indicating that transforming old structures into eye-catching spaces is part of their duties. It emphasizes the speaker's role ('Mi trabajo es') in the renovation and implies the outcome should result in making the place more appealing.

Ayudando a reformar un edificio, aprendí mucho sobre arquitectura.

English translation of Ayudando a reformar un edificio, aprendí mucho sobre arquitectura.

By helping to renovate a building, I learned a lot about architecture.

This statement is referring to a learning experience the speaker had while helping with a building renovation. It implies that hands-on participation ('Ayudando a') in the renovation process led to significant learning about architecture, emphasizing the practical experience as a source of knowledge.

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