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reformar las normas de tráfico

English translation of reformar las normas de tráfico

reform traffic regulations

The Spanish phrase 'reformar las normas de tráfico' translates to 'reform traffic regulations' in English. This phrase implies the action of making changes or improvements to the existing rules and regulations that govern traffic in order to make them more efficient, effective or fair. It is often used in discussions or debates relating to policy changes within the transport or traffic management sector.

Example sentences using: reformar las normas de tráfico

El gobierno está considerando reformar las normas de tráfico para mejorar la seguridad.

English translation of El gobierno está considerando reformar las normas de tráfico para mejorar la seguridad.

The government is considering reforming traffic regulations to improve safety.

In this sentence, the term 'reformar las normas de tráfico' is used to suggest that the government is thinking about making changes to existing traffic rules in order to increase safety on roads.

Para reducir los accidentes, necesitamos reformar las normas de tráfico y educar a los conductores.

English translation of Para reducir los accidentes, necesitamos reformar las normas de tráfico y educar a los conductores.

To reduce accidents, we need to reform traffic regulations and educate drivers.

Here, the phrase 'reformar las normas de tráfico' is used to emphasize that changing the traffic rules might be a part of the solution to decrease the number of accidents. It also implies that educating drivers is equally important.

Reformar las normas de tráfico no es fácil, pero puede hacer nuestras calles más seguras.

English translation of Reformar las normas de tráfico no es fácil, pero puede hacer nuestras calles más seguras.

Reforming traffic regulations is not easy, but it can make our streets safer.

In this sentence, 'reformar las normas de tráfico' is referenced to point out the potential benefit of this action. Despite the difficulty of the process, the expected outcome is to increase safety on the streets.

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