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reformar las normas (de circulación)

English translation of reformar las normas (de circulación)

reform of (traffic) rules

The Spanish phrase 'reformar las normas (de circulación)' translates to 'reform of (traffic) rules' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of re-examining and changing existing traffic regulations to improve road safety or to adapt to new traffic circumstances. The word 'reformar' means to 'reform' or 'restructure', 'las normas' refers to 'the rules, and '(de circulación)' indicates the context which in this case is 'traffic'. Therefore, when you hear 'reformar las normas (de circulación)', you can understand that a change or restructuring of traffic rules is being discussed.

Example sentences using: reformar las normas (de circulación)

Es necesario reformar las normas de circulación para mejorar la seguridad vial.

English translation of Es necesario reformar las normas de circulación para mejorar la seguridad vial.

It is necessary to reform the traffic rules to improve road safety.

In this sentence, 'reformar las normas de circulación' refers to the need of modifying the existing traffic rules with the goal of enhancing road safety. It implies implementing changes to the current regulations due to their possible inadequacies.

Los ciclistas están pidiendo reformar las normas de circulación para proteger sus derechos.

English translation of Los ciclistas están pidiendo reformar las normas de circulación para proteger sus derechos.

Cyclists are asking to reform traffic regulations to protect their rights.

The phrase 'reformar las normas de circulación' appears here in the context of cyclists' demand for change. The cyclists want the traffic laws to be reformed to ensure that their rights are adequately protected while they are on the road.

Muchos accidentes suceden a causa de la negativa a reformar las normas de circulación antiguas.

English translation of Muchos accidentes suceden a causa de la negativa a reformar las normas de circulación antiguas.

Many accidents happen because of the refusal to reform old traffic rules.

In this example, the phrase 'reformar las normas de circulación' is used to indicate a causal relationship between the refusal to modify outmoded traffic rules and the occurrence of many accidents. This sentence represents an argument made against the inertia or resistance to improving driving guidelines.

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