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reforestar los bosques

English translation of reforestar los bosques


The phrase 'reforestar los bosques' in Spanish translates to 'reforest the forests' in English. It implies the process of planting new trees in areas where they have been cut or destroyed, typically as part of conservation efforts. This is known as reforestation in English. Actions under 'reforestar los bosques' contribute towards environmental sustainability, helping to combat climate change and preserve ecosystems for future generations.

Example sentences using: reforestar los bosques

El gobierno tiene un plan para reforestar los bosques.

English translation of El gobierno tiene un plan para reforestar los bosques.

The government has a plan to reforest the woodlands.

This sentence uses the future tense to express an action that will happen in the future.

Reforestar los bosques es una tarea importante.

English translation of Reforestar los bosques es una tarea importante.

Reforesting the woodlands is an important task.

This sentence describes the importance of the task of reforesting the woodlands.

Es difícil reforestar los bosques que fueron dañados por los incendios.

English translation of Es difícil reforestar los bosques que fueron dañados por los incendios.

It's hard to reforest woodlands that were damaged by fires.

This sentence talks about the difficulty of reforesting woodlands that were damaged by fires.

Los voluntarios se reunieron para reforestar los bosques.

English translation of Los voluntarios se reunieron para reforestar los bosques.

Volunteers gathered to reforest the woodlands.

This sentence tells about a group of volunteers who gathered for the purpose of reforesting the woodlands.

Para combatir el cambio climático, debemos reforestar los bosques.

English translation of Para combatir el cambio climático, debemos reforestar los bosques.

To combat climate change, we must reforest the woodlands.

This sentence proposes reforesting the woodlands as a solution to combat climate change.

La organización asignó fondos para reforestar los bosques.

English translation of La organización asignó fondos para reforestar los bosques.

The organization allocated funds to reforest the woodlands.

This sentence talks about an organization that allocated funds for the purpose of reforesting the woodlands.

Muchos países están haciendo esfuerzos para reforestar los bosques.

English translation of Muchos países están haciendo esfuerzos para reforestar los bosques.

Many countries are making efforts to reforest the woodlands.

This sentence tells about several countries making efforts in reforesting the woodlands.

La escuela inició un proyecto para reforestar los bosques.

English translation of La escuela inició un proyecto para reforestar los bosques.

The school started a project to reforest the woodlands.

This sentence tells about a school that started a project aimed at reforesting the woodlands.

Podemos contribuir a reforestar los bosques plantando más árboles.

English translation of Podemos contribuir a reforestar los bosques plantando más árboles.

We can contribute to reforest the woodlands by planting more trees.

This sentence proposes a way for people to contribute in reforesting the woodlands.

Reforestar los bosques es crucial para la conservación de la biodiversidad.

English translation of Reforestar los bosques es crucial para la conservación de la biodiversidad.

Reforesting the woodlands is crucial for the conservation of biodiversity.

This sentence explains the crucial role of reforesting the woodlands in the context of biodiversity conservation.

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