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English translation of referéndum


The Spanish word 'referéndum' translates to 'referendum' in English. A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. It is often used in matters of constitutional or political changes. This democratic process allows citizens to directly participate in making specific legislative or constitutional decisions. The term 'referéndum' is used in the same context in Spanish speaking regions.

Example sentences using: referéndum

Se llevará a cabo un referéndum para decidir sobre la independencia.

English translation of Se llevará a cabo un referéndum para decidir sobre la independencia.

A referendum will be held to decide on independence.

This example is describing a future scenario where a referendum, a general vote by the electorate on a single political question, will be carried out to decide whether the electorate desires to be independent.

El gobierno rechazó la idea de un referéndum.

English translation of El gobierno rechazó la idea de un referéndum.

The government rejected the idea of a referendum.

This example indicates a situation where the government has rejected or disapproved of the idea or proposal to have a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.

El referéndum reveló que la mayoría quiere el cambio.

English translation of El referéndum reveló que la mayoría quiere el cambio.

The referendum revealed that the majority wants change.

This example reveals the results of a referendum, indicating that the majority of the voters desire change of the current situation or state.

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