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recuperarse de

English translation of recuperarse de

recover from

'Recuperarse de' in Spanish is a verb phrase that translates to 'recover from' in English. It is commonly used to express the process of getting better after an illness, setback, or difficult situation. Like in English, this term can be used in both a literal and metaphorical context. For instance, one can 'recuperarse de' a physical illness or a challenging life event.

Example sentences using: recuperarse de

Necesita tiempo para recuperarse de la operación.

English translation of Necesita tiempo para recuperarse de la operación.

He needs time to recover from the operation.

In this sentence, recuperarse de is used to indicate the process of regaining health or strength after an event, in this case, an operation. The phrase 'recuperarse de la operación' indicates that the person is on the path of recovery after undergoing a surgical procedure.

Es difícil recuperarse de una pérdida financiera.

English translation of Es difícil recuperarse de una pérdida financiera.

It's hard to recover from a financial loss.

In this example, the phrase 'recuperarse de una pérdida financiera' is used to express regaining stability or normalcy after experiencing a decline in economic standing. Here, recuperarse de describes the process of overcoming challenging economic circumstances.

Ella debe recuperarse de su resfriado antes de volver al trabajo.

English translation of Ella debe recuperarse de su resfriado antes de volver al trabajo.

She should recover from her cold before returning to work.

Here, 'recuperarse de su resfriado' is used to indicate the need to regain health or return to a normal state after a period of illness, in this specific context, a cold. The action of recuperarse de is related to getting well after being sick.

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