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recortarse la barba

English translation of recortarse la barba

cut the beard

'Recortarse la barba' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'cut the beard' in English. It is often used in personal grooming context where men do regular maintenance of their facial hair. It is a common phrase and is used in everyday language in Spanish speaking societies.

Example sentences using: recortarse la barba

Todos los meses, Juan tiene que recortarse la barba para mantenerla limpia y ordenada.

English translation of Todos los meses, Juan tiene que recortarse la barba para mantenerla limpia y ordenada.

Every month, Juan has to trim his beard to keep it clean and tidy.

In this example, Juan is the subject who is performing the action of trimming his beard every month. It shows the use of 'recortarse la barba' in a routine context.

Al ver su rostro en el espejo, Pedro decidió que era hora de recortarse la barba.

English translation of Al ver su rostro en el espejo, Pedro decidió que era hora de recortarse la barba.

Looking at his face in the mirror, Pedro decided it was time to trim his beard.

In this instance, the action of trimming the beard is triggered by Pedro's decision after looking at his face in the mirror. Once again, the phrase 'recortarse la barba' is used to signal this grooming action.

Es difícil recortarse la barba sin un buen espejo y unas tijeras afiladas.

English translation of Es difícil recortarse la barba sin un buen espejo y unas tijeras afiladas.

It's difficult to trim your beard without a good mirror and sharp scissors.

In this example, the challenge of trimming one's beard without appropriate tools is mentioned. The phrase 'recortarse la barba' is used to indicate this grooming activity.

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