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recorrer el país

English translation of recorrer el país

travel the country

The Spanish phrase 'recorrer el país' translates to 'travel the country' in English. This is often used to denote the act of traveling through different parts of a country, visiting various cities or regions. It's often used in the context of tourism or exploration. The word 'recorrer' is a verb that means 'to travel' or 'to traverse', and 'el país' is a noun that translates to 'the country'. When put together, they form a phrase that encourages an expansive, diverse travel experience within a country's borders.

Example sentences using: recorrer el país

Quiero recorrer el país en mi coche.

English translation of Quiero recorrer el país en mi coche.

I want to travel the country in my car.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing a desire ('Quiero') to 'recorrer el país', which directly translates to 'travel the country'. They specify their preferred mode of transport as their car ('en mi coche').

Es mi sueño recorrer el país a pie.

English translation of Es mi sueño recorrer el país a pie.

It's my dream to travel the country on foot.

The speaker here is revealing a personal dream ('Es mi sueño') to 'recorrer el país', or 'travel the country', specifically on foot ('a pie'), meaning they want to walk across the country.

Recorrer el país es una experiencia inolvidable.

English translation of Recorrer el país es una experiencia inolvidable.

Traveling the country is an unforgettable experience.

In this phrase, 'recorrer el país', or 'traveling the country', is depicted as an unforgettable experience ('es una experiencia inolvidable'), emphasizing the speaker's positive feelings about this activity.

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