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recorrer el océano

English translation of recorrer el océano

travel the ocean

The Spanish phrase 'recorrer el océano' translates to 'travel the ocean' in English. It is usually used in a metaphorical sense to indicate long, arduous journeys with many experiences, similar to a sailor traversing the vast ocean. However, it can also be used literally to state somebody's desire or action of going on an ocean voyage.

Example sentences using: recorrer el océano

Soñé que podía recorrer el océano en un pequeño bote.

English translation of Soñé que podía recorrer el océano en un pequeño bote.

I dreamed that I could cross the ocean in a small boat.

This sentence is expressed in the past tense, indicating a dream or a wish the speaker had about traveling across the ocean in a small boat. It reveals an adventurous spirit and is often used metaphorically to express ambition or desire for exploration.

Vamos a recorrer el océano en busca de nuevas especies marinas.

English translation of Vamos a recorrer el océano en busca de nuevas especies marinas.

We are going to cross the ocean in search of new marine species.

This sentence is in the future tense and implies an upcoming adventure across the ocean. It hints at a scientific journey aimed at discovering new marine species. This is often spoken by scientists or exploratory teams before embarking on a research expedition.

Si queremos recorrer el océano, necesitamos un barco resistente.

English translation of Si queremos recorrer el océano, necesitamos un barco resistente.

If we want to cross the ocean, we need a sturdy boat.

This sentence is a conditional statement. The condition is the desire to cross the ocean, and the result is the necessity of a sturdy boat. It's often used to highlight the need for proper equipment or preparation before embarking on a challenging endeavor.

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