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English translation of recolección


The Spanish term 'recolección' translates to 'collection' in English. It can be used to refer to the act of collecting something, for instance, a collection of coins, stamps, or any other items. Additionally, it can be applied to refer to agricultural settings, denoting the gathering or harvest of crops. The word 'recolección' can be broken down into the root word 'recolectar', meaning 'to collect', and the suffix '-ción', used to denote action or effect in Spanish verbs.

Example sentences using: recolección

La recolección de datos es esencial para cualquier investigación científica.

English translation of La recolección de datos es esencial para cualquier investigación científica.

Data collection is essential for any scientific research.

This phrase uses 'recolección' to highlight the importance of gathering data in a scientific research context. By collecting data, researchers are able to analyze and interpret findings to generate comprehensive results.

Este festival celebra la recolección de la cosecha de manzanas.

English translation of Este festival celebra la recolección de la cosecha de manzanas.

This festival celebrates the collection of the apple harvest.

Here, 'recolección' is used to describe the act of gathering the harvest, in this instance, apples. Festivals like this are often held to acknowledge and celebrate the end of a harvest season.

El camión de recolección de basura pasa por nuestra calle cada lunes.

English translation of El camión de recolección de basura pasa por nuestra calle cada lunes.

The garbage collection truck passes through our street every Monday.

In this sentence, 'recolección' is applied to describe the routine activity of collecting waste. Garbage collection is a crucial city service provided to keep urban areas sanitary and clean.

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