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recogerse el pelo

English translation of recogerse el pelo

picking up the hair

The phrase 'recogerse el pelo' in Spanish translates to 'picking up the hair' in English. It is often used in contexts relating to hairstyling or grooming, where one gathers their hair to secure it in place, such as in a ponytail or bun. This phrase can be used in different situations - it could mean getting your hair out of the way while you're doing some work, or it could refer to a specific hairstyle that involves pulling your hair up and away from your face.

Example sentences using: recogerse el pelo

Cuando hace calor, a Ana le gusta recogerse el pelo en un moño.

English translation of Cuando hace calor, a Ana le gusta recogerse el pelo en un moño.

When it's hot, Ana likes to put her hair up in a bun.

This sentence shows how 'recogerse el pelo' can be used to describe someone who gathers their hair into a distinct hairstyle - in this case, a bun.

Si quieres mantener tu cabello alejado de tu cara, puedes recogerse el pelo con horquillas.

English translation of Si quieres mantener tu cabello alejado de tu cara, puedes recogerse el pelo con horquillas.

If you want to keep your hair away from your face, you can put your hair up with hairpins.

Here, 'recogerse el pelo' means to arrange one’s hair away from the face. It's implied that the person is using hairpins or similar tools to do this.

Después de un entrenamiento, Alicia decidió recogerse el pelo en una cola de caballo para refrescarse.

English translation of Después de un entrenamiento, Alicia decidió recogerse el pelo en una cola de caballo para refrescarse.

After a workout, Alicia decided to put her hair up in a ponytail to cool down.

This example uses 'recogerse el pelo' to express the action of pulling one’s hair back into a ponytail. This is often done to cool down or to keep hair out of the way during physical activity.

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